2015年6月17日 星期三

Powershell Environment Variables


Environment Variables

Windows environment variables are visible as a PS drive called Env:

Get-ChildItem Env:

PowerShell Providers

In addition to environment variables, PowerShell providers also provide access to other data and components in a similar way - resembling a file system drive. This allows you to access many different types of data in a consistent way.
Built-in Providers
Alias - Windows PowerShell aliases {Alias}
Certificate - X509 certificates for digital signatures {cert}
Environment - Windows environment variables {Env}
FileSystem - File system drives, directories and files {filesystem}
Function - Windows PowerShell functions {Function}
Registry - Windows registry {HKLM, HKCU}
Variable - Windows PowerShell variables {Variable}

To create more permanent environment variables (i.e., user-level or machine-level) you need to use the .NET Framework and the SetEnvironmentVariable method. For example, this command creates a user-level environment variable named TestVariable:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TestVariable", "Test value.", "User")


Set-Item Env:TestVariable "Test Value2"


2015年6月11日 星期四

Using Node.js for building IoT solutions on Window 10 IoT Core


Node.js - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia

Setting up your development environment

Please make sure that you have signed up with our program on Microsoft Connect to get access to some of the downloads below.

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