2015年5月13日 星期三

Windows IOT (Windows 10 IoT Core Insider Preview)


Windows 10物聯網版本釋出搭開發版免費用| mash-digi

葉難: Raspberry Pi 2與Windows 10

A device running Windows 10 IoT Core Insider Preview, then start building with PowerShell now.

Raspberry Pi 2
The Raspberry Pi 2 is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. The Raspberry Pi 2 runs Windows 10 IoT Core.
Rasberry Pi 執行"Windows 10 IoT Core Insider Preview for Raspberry Pi 2"
在Windows 10 Development PC端,可用PowerShell 遠端操控他,發展應用

已客製好Rasberry Pi firmware, 可快速用Visual studio 開發應用

Windows Remote Arduino
Windows Remote Arduino is an open-source Windows Runtime Component library which allows Makers to control an Arduino through a Bluetooth or USB connection. It is intended for Windows Runtime developers who want to harness the power of Arduino hardware using the Windows Runtime languages. Developers who include this component in their projects will automatically have access to its features in any of the WinRT languages (C++/CX, C# and JavaScript).
允許Windows Device透過Bluetooth or USB 使用 Firmata protocol 來控制Arduino的行為
Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino is an open-source library primarily for the Arduino UNO which communicates with an open-source Universal Windows application running on all Windows 10 devices, including Windows Lumia phones. The library exposes Lumia phones' sensors and capabilities to the an Arduino Wiring Sketch.
這讓Arduino可以透過Bluetooth與運行Universal Windows application的Windows 10 Device溝通,取得Device的Sensor and Capability
範例: 手機執行"Windows Virtual Shield for Arduino" App ,Arduino執行時會指揮手機做動作,例如: Say "On" or "Off" speech to control LED on/off , 或Show Message在手機畫面上,或將Message Text轉成語音發出聲應..........
  • Screen
  • GPS
  • Web
  • Accelerometer
  • Compass
  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Speech
  • Recognition
  • Vibration

{ 'Service' : 'ServiceName'
   'id' : ..............

